Statistics for Sacpipe Connection System since 2011
We have put together statistics on how much material has been installed since 2011. Sacpipe Connection System was launched back in 2008 but we have only sales statistics since 2011.
The statistics for the liner installations isn’t totally correct because there Always some short pieces that is cut of when installing the liner. Based on our sales statistics, the following amount of liner and branch pipes is installed:
681109 m liner has been installed between 2011 – 2016
Branch Pipes:
21322 branch pipes has been installed between 2011 – 2016
Since 2009 Sacpro AB has provided training for Sacpipe Connection System. Over the years the system hase been developed and as well as the training. Today it is a three-day training, which includes installation methodology, documentation, safe work with epoxy and practical exercises including liner and branch pipe installation.
Total number of trained installers between 2009 – 2016: 191 pcs
Now starts a new year. We will continue our growth in both installations of Sacpipe Connection System and the number of trained installers.